Sarracenia  rubra ssp. wherryi Mobile Co. Alabama

In the Sarracenia world most collectors and breeders favour the large showy species like S. flava and S. leucophylla. Although the species collectors love these as well they also love the species with interesting characteristics, those hooded S. minor, prostrate S. psittacina and what species nut doesn’t like all the forms of S. purpurea?  In the end I feel like all the subspecies of S. rubra get pushed aside and neglected, not good enough to breed with and not enough unique features to stand out. I love them, although some might be less to look at, there are some spectacular clones out there. This one is one of my favourites. It consistently makes these beautiful coloured pitchers and grows without and work. 

Sarracenia rubra ssp. wherryi Mobile Co. Alabama

Good growing! 

3 thoughts on “Sarracenia  rubra ssp. wherryi Mobile Co. Alabama

  1. Well this is interesting. Rubra wheryii doesn’t grow in Chilton county AL, rubra alabamensis does. Now if this one of my plants, which it looks to be, this came from Dr. Phil (Sheridan) many years ago. He labeled it as rubry wherryii north of Merryville. Never really thought about it… so I went to google maps, and Merryville is in Louisiana almost on the border with Texas. Why is that an issue… well rubra wherryii doesn’t grow that far west… so if should be some form of alata…or… the location information I got from Phil way back then is incorrect… regardless, its a great plant!


    • You are totally correct! I just went and checked my tags and I read the plants next to it when I was checking the location. It’s actually from Mobile Co. Alabama. ALRW03 does this seem correct to you? It’s funny how we can have plants that we take the label as correct and find out that there isn’t anything that matches up with it. I’ve had a couple plants like that, Dan once gave me a flava from Washington Co. and I didn’t realize that meant nothing until I divided it and wrote out a new label. It didn’t have a State and when I googled it I found multiple Washington Co. Across the south.


      • I looked at my list, and yes, south western AL is correct. I was confusing the place however with another plant, Merryville is in Louisiana, but it is an ALATA I have from there not this plant! Mystery solved!


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